Here are the specifics for the bags that we offer including sizing and prices.
Large bags - 11” x 7” - $15 each. This sized bag can fit approximately a full change of children clothing, a couple diapers, a travel size bag of wipes, changing pad and maybe a couple other small things.
Medium bags - 9” x 6.5” - $12 each. This bag is great for first aid, medicines, snacks, small toys, etc. This bag works great for travel with liquids.
Small bags - 7” x 6” - $10 each. This bag is also a good size for snacks, small toys, first aid, make up, hair accessories, etc. Also a great bag for traveling with liquids.
We do offer a special if you buy one bag of each size you can get the set for $35.
We ship out within 2 business days and will ship first class. Shipping charges are based on how many bags you buy at once but usually between $3-$5.
We do not accept returns or exchanges at this time.